Signal Toolbox/Signal GUI distributions (Version 4.23, 12-09-2020)
Before loading the Signal Toolbox or the Signal GUI, read the
Licence terms.
The installing and use of the Polychrony toolset suppose the agreement to the license.
You can either download binaries or source code archives for the latest stable version.
For the installation, please read the
installation guide.
A quick installation is available for binary versions:
- SignalToolBox: After untar, goto the created directory and
- For Linux/MacOs: run the command ./configure in a tcsh session
- For Windows: run the command ./configure.bat in a cmd session
- SignalGUI: untar the archive and move the generated directory in the SignalToolBox root directory then
rerun the SignalToolBox installation (ie the configure[.bat] command).
Source distributions
Binary distributions
Previous versions
- The previous version can be downloaded here
- The oldest versions have been archived. Contact us if you want one of them.