

The toolset gives access to the following documentation:

A set of Signal examples is provided with the distribution.

The following Signal libraries are provided in the Polychrony toolset:
  • a Java library for displaying Signal programs running.
    The source of this library is (after download) in the file $SignalLib_signal/libGraphics.SIG.
    To use this library, insert "use libGraphics;" in your Signal program.
    Some examples using this library are also provided.
  • a set of libraries for Sigali tool to express in Signal programs properties to be checked, as well as control objectives to be synthesized.
    The source of this library is (after download) in the file $SignalLib_Sigali/SIGALI.SIG.
    To use this library, insert "use SIGALI;" in your Signal program.
    Some examples using this library are also provided.
  • A library of APEX services has been defined in Signal. The APEX interface is defined in the standard ARINC653 for avionic applications. Some documentations (RR-4678, RTAS 03, SLAP 03) are provided.
    The source of this library is (after download) in the directory $Signal_lib/apex_arinc653.
    To use this library, insert "use apex;" in your Signal program.
    Some examples using this library are also provided.

To use a library, please update the SIGNAL_LIBRARY_PATH.
For Linux/SunOs, use the command: