ADFG User’s guide

ADFG (Affine DataFlow Graph) tool checks the scheduling feasibility of an Ultimately Cyclo-Static DataFlow (UCSDF) graph which represents a system of actors (or processes) and their dependencies (data production and consumption rates), aka channels between them. If the graph is schedulable, regarding to a specified policy, runtime parameters are computed to help the system implementation or build (if it is an embedded system)

ADFG accepts two kind of input files: SDF3 standard (modified for csdf) and .adfg. You also can export the provided SDF3 examples into .adfg with the results (adfg model enables to store the computed periods, at the opposite of SDF3). ADFG comes with a command line interface tool and some Eclipse plugins.

##Using ADFG tool as a command line


This command takes a SDF3 file FILENAME (describing the system) and a scheduling policy ANALYSIS as mandatory arguments. The number of processors available in the system is also mandatory if a multi-processor policy is chosen, it is set with the option -p.

FILENAME: ADFG or SDF3 file to analyse (.adfg or .xml).

ANALYSIS: specifies the scheduling policy (several variants of EDF or SP policies, UNI or MULTI processors). See below for details. The accepted values are:



It is assumed that the setup of ADFG has been executed. The command

adfg_sched Beamformer.xml EDF_UNI

provides this result.

##Using ADFG tool under Eclipse

It is assumed that you have installed ADFG according to the installation procedure, and the setup of ADFG has been executed. Using adfg under Eclipse is quite similar to the adfg_sched command line.

Run Eclipse,

##About the scheduling policies: